Product Development Award
06 / 26 / 2020
06 / 30 / 2023
Hepatitis A
Low- and Middle-Income Countries
SK Bioscience / Republic of Korea
Univercells / Belgium
This project aims to create a research cell and virus bank, establish research-level processes, develop and validate relevant analytical methods, and conduct preclinical testing for the development of a low-cost Hepatitis A vaccine. The low-cost and low-footprint production model envisioned in this project will be applicable to the production of cells used in manufacturing vaccines for other cell culture-based viruses to bolster the ongoing effort to fight Hepatitis A Virus. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) vaccines are expensive and undersupplied owing to challenges in the manufacturing process, which include slow kinetics and low yields. This project aims to design a lower-cost manufacturing platform for rapid clinical application by adapting HAV to Vero cells and applying a novel bioreactor system.